FLEXITALY is certified as a quality management system concerning the
designing and production of braided
tubes and flexibles fittings in
compliance with EN
ISO 9001:2015 released from the
German agency Tüv Hessen.
GOST certification of conformity to
standards required for the Russian
Federation market.
ACS (Attestation de conformité
sanitaire) is a system developed by
French health authorities to certify
the health compliance of a product
to come in contact with water
intended for human use.
24 ACC NY 036
20 ACC NY 284
Hygienic Certificate issued by PZH (Państwowym
Zakładzie Higieny),
National Institute of Hygiene (NIPH
- NIH) for Poland.
CSTB, the Scientific and Technical
Center for Building, is a public
research establishment in the
construction sector.